Thursday, October 25, 2007

Education Blog 5

"Third World America" is an article in 2 Cents Worth about how Mr. Warlick believes America will become a third world country in a matter of decades and may even have started right now. This week, I'm not going to side with Mr. Warlick. I decided to choose this article because I strongly disagree with him for once. I just don't see America becoming or even starting to become a third world country like Ethiopia or India. With all our technology and great inventions while considering how far ahead we are compared to these countries with our development, there is no way our nation will turn into that. I mean, these countries don't even have electricity in some regions for gosh sakes, let alone the astonishing technology we possess! Just because some small regions of the U.S. are following others doesn't mean our whole country is going down. I think these areas would get caught up quicker if anything because we have each others backs. I sense the President would get involved and work extra hard to bring these sections up to date by making sure they'd obtain food, water, and the latest technology, the rest of the United States is sharing. I guess I don't understand why he thinks that a few regions could bring everything down with them. Does he consider the opposite way I do about the rest of our nation picking each other up? Does he assume it would crash our society?

I continued over-looking these questions and it dug up the true reason why I disagree with him. It was on the tip of my tounge but it came to me that I was more upset about how that was in a way, an egotisctic statement. I belive this because we should be so grateful for how fortunate our country is and saying that we might become a third world country is just obsurd and ridiculous.

If the countries around the world think we are a bunch of selfish people worrying about something so incappable of happening, they might turn against us and maybe create another world war. If it were to progress enough, I sense Americans would turn on each other after following the world's opinions. I know this has upset me slightly so there has to be others that agree with my thoughts.

I know America has contributed with helping those less fortunate countries in many ways, I just hope we won't make a scene about this topic.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

World News Blog 4

"Boy, 14, Seized in Plot to Open Fire at School" is from Google News and posted br Jon Hurlde and Ian Urbina. Once again, another terrible plot was designed to attack a school. However, this boy was only 14. In Philadelphia on wednesday night, theis boy was arested for plotting an attack. It's said that police found a 9-millimeter assault rifle, dozens of authentic-looking BB and air guns, and seven hand grenades he was making.
Officials say that the most likey reason he planned this assault was because he was bullied in the years of attending that school. This brings up a good topic. Bullying should really be taken care of at schools around the world because of things like this. You never know what kids are thinking these days or what they're going to do. In other words, they're unpredictable. I am flustered with how many different incidents there are today with kids around the world trying to pull off "Columbine Attacks." It's a shame that these poor kids try to reach out with violence thinking it's the only way to solve problems. This leaves me in a cliff hanger wondering is it going to happen at our school? Will I be the innocent victim to be killed? It's questions like these that really keep me consious about what I say to others. That old quote " keep your friends close but your enemies closer," is beginning to make sense to me.
I speculate how many lives could be saved from controlling bullying or other reasons that kids would plot such horrible things. I bet it would be in the thousands every year. Those are thousands of individuals who have feelings, thoughts, people who care about them that could be successful and live a happy life.

Education Blog 4

"Loads of Bloggers" by Dave Warlick in 2 Cents brielfy summarizes how many bloggers are known in this world. It says we've reached over 100,000 bloggers from this past week. This article may not be very long but I just think it's wonderful how is becoming such a well known and used website for sharing and exchanging ideas. I love how anyone is welcome to post what they've learned or feel like expressing anytime with no downsides. Plus, it's a great way to spend free time in a constructive way.
Before this year, I had never heard of "blogging" before. When my teacher first told us that we would be posting our responses about critical thinking from articles, I was wondering what the heck is blogging? Once I got familiar with this technique I began to really go deep into these blogs and actually enjoy them very much. They have helped me evolve into a better writer just by posting a few. In addition, I have developed my brain to think more critically and open mindedly.
Now, I think it's awesome that my teacher has opened up this path to me and my classmates for writing critically and analyzing purposes. If more teachers and schools around the world would pass on the wonderful world of blogging, think of how socially advanced we would be as humans. We could learn to critically analyze situations around us and decide the best solution just from performing a simple task such as blogging. My main questions are how smart could we really become? Could our world population's IQ rise? My guess would be that we would become smarter the farther we pushed ourselves.

This got me thinking a little bit more. It might be slightly off topic but I believe if everyone around the world began blogging, our ideas would be passed around and built upon each other creating strong thoughts that would help save the human race. An example is maybe a new idea for fuel or world peace opinions.
Overall, I'm just glad that blogger is making progress in becoming a world-wide known topic that everyone is involved in.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Local News Blog 3

Once again, more reckless teens were killed in an automibile accident in "Teens Killed in Early Morning Crash." A 16 and 17 year old teenager were killed when their Subaru drifted into oncoming traffic and collided head-on with another vehicle. The other driver was taken immediately to a hospital where he was treated for his minor injuries.
I don't know about the rest of the world but I am really getting sick to my stomach from hearing about the teen deaths which seems every other week from car crashes. This is just in our remote area too. I wonder if the rest of the world experiences this as much as we do. If we continue to do this to ourselves, I think we need to create the law to 18 years old to own a license. As much as I hate doing this becuase I will soon be able to drive, I just don't think it's worth death after death after death. I'm trying to think of what's best for peoples lives. I believe if we would increase the age of legal driving, thousands of teen lives would be saved around the globe. I looked into this subject a little more since the article wasn't very long and I heard a statistic I couldn't believe. Over 60% of teens that have their permit or license for the first year get in some sort of accident, crashing their family car. Even though it said the first year, people still might be wondering what difference the age makes whether they're 15 or 18. I think with maturity, kids will learn to be safe and value their lives that much more. Therefore, the legal driving age should be raised. As a society, our major goal should be to reduce the number of deaths around the world no matter what challenges we face in doing so.

Education Blog 3

"A Conversation About Wikipeida" is an article about how Wikipedia may not be as a reliable as everyone thinks. In a way it complains about how its source's are not always correct because anyone can run through one and change whatever they want. I'm not a big complainer but I do agree with what Mr. Warlick has to say this time. At the end of his blog, he asked the reader what the thought about this which I enjoyed very much because it caused me to critically think about this. I don't think anyone should be aloud to post whatever they want on such a widely used website. This can lead everyone in the world to have or present false information causing their thinking to change drastically about a topic. I continued to think about this and realized this could cause unnecessary arguments all over the place. Also, if people found out their sources were wrong, it could make them to beleive no other websites have correct information either.
Over the years I've known about Wikipedia, it has never crossed my mind to use this source just because I know how unreliable it can be. I've never understood why editing is allowed in the first place either. I found a statisctic that striked me. 61% of edits were registered by Wikipedia editors which left 39% for everyone else. Are there some things I don't know about it that will inform me about the editing process? Is there some sort of security check? Having these questions locked in my mind, I decided to do some research. After completing my searches I found that editors check what people have posted to make sure if it's reliable ot if it's just a comment. Then whats the point of even allowing editing by random people if it will get changed back if the information is not correct? I asked myself.
After learning my new facts, my thoughts about Wikipedia changed quite a bit. I understand now that it can be a very helpful source that is reilable. This relates to me for school projects and presentations knowing I do have a safe source. Now I don't have to worry about false information. However, if just in case I wanted to double check, I could scroll to the bottom of the page and check out the resources to see if they're credible or not. Now I do believe Wikipedia is a fairly good source to finding the correct facts.