Thursday, September 27, 2007

World News Blog 2 (URL)
My world news article "Robots Take on Social Tasks" by Mark Jewell is about the unbelievable technology robots have become. They have created these machines to help manage anyones life while they're gone from home. These robots are capable of watching over their home using webcams which can be controlled by a joystick.
You may be asking "how does this relate to the world? or who cares?" Well this technology allows us to protect our homes around the globe and watch over our personal items. This can already catch and help prevent burglery. Imagine the burglers knowing almost every home has these so they won't do it anymore. This could stop burglery for good! I strongly believe that these robots will only get smarter as the continue to develop. I bet soon they'll be able to critically think and interact in conversations with others.
I can personaly connect to this too because I know of some basic technology that I can easily access that is similar to what the robots are capable of. For example, the webcams on the internet these days or even on TV with comcast. Those virtual tours on Comcast on Demand are great examples of what you could see in your home through the robots. This left me one question though. Can someone speak through the robot and a different person hear that somewhere else? As I continued to read, my question was answered a s a yes. This just blew me away and made me think even more about the possibilites for technology in the future. If we can already perform this, imagine how amazing our world will be in a few years. In my first world news blog, I had an article about the future technology in classrooms and now this one is about more technology. I guess I'm just really impressed by what our world has accomplished over the years and can't wait until more technology is produced.

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